U.S. Supreme Court issues trademark decision - Check out our decision highlight hashtag — Chaney Law Firm — Blog


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U.S. Supreme Court issues trademark decision - Check out our decision highlight hashtag

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision today in B&B Hardware v. Hargis, the second trademark decision from the high court this term. The issue in the case was whether the Trademark Trial and Appeals Board (TTAB) decision finding a likelihood of confusion between two trademarks had a preclusive effect in a federal court lawsuit that was going on at the same time. The TTAB decision involved the same two parties and the same issue, so the Supreme Court ruled the TTAB's decision should have been considered conclusive by the federal court.

I'll embed the tweets a little later. In the meantime, if you want to check out the tweet stream from my reading of the decision, the hashtag is #BBHardwarevHargis. As usual, it's probably easiest to start at the bottom.

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